Compact Chart:
Jan Ivan Holland

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Willem Ivan Holland
1170-1222 ‎(52)‎
Hendrik I ‎(De Krijgshaftige)‎van Brabant
Compact Chart: I6281Compact Chart: I11896
Floris IVvan Holland
1210-1234 ‎(24)‎
Compact Chart: I11890 Willem IIvan Holland
1227-1256 ‎(29)‎
Compact Chart: I11893 Machteldvan Brabant
1197-1267 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I11889Compact Chart: I11894Compact Chart: I11897
Aleidavan Gelre
1178-1218 ‎(40)‎
Mathildevan de Elzas
Floris Vvan Holland
1254-1296 ‎(42)‎
Compact Chart: I17950 Jan Ivan Holland
1284-1299 ‎(15)‎
Compact Chart: I17952
Beatrijsvan Vlaanderen
 Compact Chart: I17951
Elisabethvan Brunswijk

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