Compact Chart:
Pieter CornelisVermaat

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Wouter ‎(Scade?)‎ Luytgens‎(unknown)‎
1400-1470 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I21485
Luytgen Woutersz‎(unknown)‎
1435-1493 ‎(58)‎
Compact Chart: I21483 Philip Luytgenszvan der Mathe
1475-1532 ‎(57)‎
Compact Chart: I21489 Cely Goyert Gheryts‎(unknown)‎
Compact Chart: I5047
Cornelis PhilipszVermaat van der Mathe@N.N.
Compact Chart: I5045 Pieter CornelisVermaat
1531-1601 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I5046
Trijntje Jans KatrynKoning@N.N.
 Compact Chart: I5048
Gherychgen ThomasdrCorlinck
1480-1537 ‎(57)‎

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